
Cert. # 031-77-39

name: Va...a Be...a

date: 31st of January 2025

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary

Business XBS11 229 hours Grade C

---Marketing and people WBS11 115h

---Managing business activities WBS12 114h

Mathematics XMA01 228 hours Grade D

---Pure 1 WMA11 65h

---Pure 2 WMA12 74h

---Statistics 1 WST01 89h

Spanish XSP01 183 hours Grade C

---Spoken expression and response WSP01 87h

---Understanding and written response WSP02 96h

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

Business YBS11 453 hours Grade D

---Marketing and people WBS13 107h

---Managing business activities WBS14 117h

Spanish YSP01 365 hours Grade C

---Understanding and spoken response WSP03 88h

---Research, understanding and written response WSP04 94h

Pearson Edexcel Advanced GCE

Russian 9RU0 320 hours Grade A

---Listening, reading and translation 9RU0/01 75h

---Written response to works and translation 9RU0/02 77h

---Speaking 9RU0/03 69h

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